Mella Barnes is a session singer, songwriter and producer living in Nashville, Tennessee. An animal lover, she has three dogs, a rabbit and any number of foster animals in various shapes and sizes. Mella is the author of Way Less Cowbell, a book on communicating with session musicians. She specializes in helping others complete their musical projects, working with corporate clients, songwriters and individuals with no musical background who want to compose songs for their loved ones as gifts.
On this episode, Mella offers advice for creatives seeking to use their talents in entrepreneurial ventures, discussing marketing strategy, organization and work-life balance.
Key Takeaways
Mella’s advice for people who are considering starting an online business
While many advise that you stick to one marketing platform, Mella argues that a diversified approach makes you “as findable as you can be”
Mella’s tips for staying organized and meeting deadlines
As you strive to achieve work-life balance, practice daily self-care
Mella’s guidance for creatives who believe they can’t get paid to do what they love
Mella’s advice for dealing with difficult clients:
Music playlists can help you focus and get motivated to work
Start where you are and celebrate progress, even if it’s only 15 minutes
Mella’s Book Way Less Cowbell: How to Communicate Your Musical Ideas
Connect with Mella Barnes