Laura is back with a solo podcast to discuss the benefits of taking on freelance projects that are outside your comfort zone. Although her core business is SEO blog writing supplemented by a handful of project management and coaching jobs, Laura recently had the opportunity to assist a client in the development of an advertising budget. Inspired by this experience in print and digital marketing, she outlines the beauty of accepting opportunities that are not on-brand, the advantages of developing new skills and the ways freelancers can leverage newly discovered abilities to expand and transform their businesses.
Although you might hesitate to accept a project that seems unglamorous or outside your niche, listen and learn how to change your mindset, expand your skill set and uncover your hidden talents!
Key Takeaways
Every project you take on as a freelancer will not be on-brand
Reasons a freelancer might take on projects outside their comfort zone
Laura’s guidance about focusing on a niche
The benefits of taking on (and even pitching) opportunities that aren’t a perfect fit
Laura’s advice about choosing projects that aren’t spot on
Complementary offerings allow you to pitch additional services to existing clients
Connect with Laura Pennington